Health reasons linked to senator’s resignation

In turn, it acts as a mild antidepressant through enhancing the production of various neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Despite results showing that coffee can improve mood, study authors also emphasised that depressed individuals should not increase their daily intake of coffee. More women altering menstruation cycles A surprisingly large number of women 18 years or older choose to delay or skip monthly menstruation by deviating from the instructions of birth-control pills and other hormonal contraceptives, a team of University of Oregon, United States researchers and others found, in a study of female students at the university. Most women who alter bleeding cycles do so for convenience rather than to avoid menstrual symptoms, and many learn about the option from non-medical sources, according to research by the university’s Department of Human Physiology, Portland-based Oregon Health and Sciences University and Eastern Michigan University. The study is published in Contraception, the official journal of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and the Society of Family Planning. As research indicates that reducing the occurrence of menstruation is safe and can even be beneficial, women are increasingly using hormonal contraceptives to alter bleeding cycles. In a survey of undergraduate and graduate students, 17 per cent reported altering their scheduled bleeding pattern by deviating from the instructions of hormonal contraceptives, which include birth-control pills, vaginal contraceptive rings and transdermal contraceptive patches.
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MLB players’ use of performance enhancing drugs comes with serious health risks

Sen. Rod Zimmer, 70, stepped down on Friday. He has battled repeated health problems in recent years. His resignation creates a second Manitoba vacancy in the Canadian Senate, leaving the province with only four members. Sen. Terry Stratton, a Conservative, reached the mandatory retirement age of 75 on March 16. Zimmer, a longtime Winnipeg businessman and Liberal party fundraiser, was travelling on an Air Canada flight from Ottawa to Saskatoon last August when his distraught 23-year-old spouse confronted him over the lack of care he was taking with his health.
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Athletes who take hormones or steroids experience a strengthening of the muscles, bones and tendons throughout their bodies, allowing them to train harder, longer and with fewer injuries, according to Dr. Robert Truax, who practices family and sports medicine at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland. Using pills, injections or creams, athletes often ingest these drugs in cycles, allowing them to train aggressively for periods of time. Then in advance of PED testing periods, athletes go off the drugs, which can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to leave the system. You can cycle it so you have moments of medicine in you, do aggressive training and the medicine helps enhance that training, Truax told Then they get off of it, and hopefully their training without the medicine is a little bit better. Serious health consequences Despite their short term training benefits, PEDs have serious and potentially debilitating long-term side effects, according to Truax.
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